AJK is concerned by physical assault on journalist Norë Kelmendi

Source/Author: AJK
Source/Photo: FB/Norë_Kelmendi

PRISTINA, 28.10.2019 – Association of Journalists of Kosovo has received with concern the behavior of the owner of a construction company, Arsim Rexhepi, against “Ekonomia Online – EO” journalist Norë Kelmendi.

Kelmendi has been reporting about an incident in Pristina, where several cars were damaged by the collapse of an earth part. While working, she was prevented by Mr. Rexhepi, who pulled the journalist by the arm, pulling her away from the workplace, despite the fact that the EO team possessed permits for filming by the construction inspector.

Police also intervened during the incident, receiving statements from both parties involved.

The AJK invites the Kosovo Police and all those who are called upon to protect the laws, to take concrete measures and prevent journalists from interfering while their duties.

Also, AJK encourages all media workers not to remain silent and report any injustice done to their work.