CJA, Union of HRT Journalists and CJA Branch of the County condemn the decision of Sisak Mayor to bann reporting to HRT correspondent

Source/Author: CJA
Source/Photo: CJA

SISAK, 05.03.2018. – Igor Ahmetović, HRT correspondent, was not allowed to enter Sisak City Council session. Security guard explained that entrance into the City Hall and consequently reporting from sessions was not allowed to Croatian Radio-television (HRT). We call for MS Kristina Ikić Baniček, Sisak Mayor, to withdraw that decision and let HRT correspondents do their jobs.

Her move is even more alarming as MS Ikić Baniček in her public speech often insists on civilized public communication, transparency and tolerance.

We point out that by that move the Mayor made reporting about City Council sessions unbalanced, that it is not possible for every journalist at equal terms and that it constitutes discrimination and pressure. At the same time it is a violation of constitutional right on free reporting and access to information (Art. 38, Constitution) and Criminal Law (Art. 127) establishing that person who „orders or implements censorship or denies journalist right to report or limits that right“ will be punished.

We call again MS Ikić Baniček to withdraw that decision, to let HRT correspondent to do their jobs and to put a name of HRT correspondent and other HRT journalists on the City of Sisak mailing list as they have been canceled by November 2017.

It is inappropriate that journalists of certain media houses (in this case HRT) are banned to report without any explanation in the country that is EU member.