CJA calls for processing the person who attacked and offended Index.hr journalist while working

Source/Author: HND
Source/Photo: HRT

Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) calls for processing the person who attacked and offended Vojislav Mazzocco, Index.hr journalist, while he was doing his job. Mazzocco was reporting about Zagreb Taxi Drivers’ protest on June 21. when a person started offending him, hit him and took his equipment. It should not be difficult for the police to identify the perpetrator, as the whole incident was recorded.

We also expect the policemen who were present at the incident to be punished as they did nothing to protect the journalist. We insist the police to do their job professionally and apply the same criteria at the same situations and not to be selective regarding who is attacker and who is attacked person.

Every unpunished attack against journalist, especially in the presence of policemen who do not react, is call for violence against journalists.


Saša leković, CJA president for the CJA Executive Board