Started Negotiations on New Special Collective Agreement for Media

Source/Author: SMCG

PODGORICA, 18.10.2017. – Delegates of the representative trade unions and employers have started negotiations on the new Special Collective Agreement for media.

Negotiations were initiated by Trade Union of Media of Montenegro on behalf of media employees. Montenegrin Information, Graphic and Publishing Trade Union Trade participates as well in the negotiations.

Media are represented by the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro.

The current Special Collective Agreement for media was adopted in 2004 and has not been changed since then.

In September 2016, the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro submitted to Montenegrin Employers Federation a request for initiating negotiations regarding new Special Collective Agreement for information, graphic and publishing trade.  It was a follow up activity of months long work on the text of the proposal, with which all members of the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro had been familiar with.

The Trade Union of Media of Montenegro through negotiations will try to improve the working conditions of media employees and it expects that it will come to employers’ understanding.