Verbal attack of Damir Krstičević, vice-president of the Croatian Government, against Dauenhauer, journalist

Source/Author: CJA
Source/Photo: Hina

ZAGREB, 28.11.2017. – Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) condemns verbal attack of Damir Krstičević, vice-president of the Croatian Government and Defense Minister, against Nenad Jarić Dauenhauer, portal journalist at yesterday’s press conference.

After had published Dauenhauer’s article stating that vice-president of the Croatian Government had copied parts of his final paper at the American Military School without properly indicating they were quoted, Minister Krstičević called press conference. Instead of talking about topic that apparently was the reason for conference and instead of trying to deny journalist’s statements by some arguments the vice-president of the Government and Defense Minister verbally attacked our colleague Dauenhauer.

Answering legitimate and specific journalist’s question: „Sir, did you copy your final paper?“ the Minister said: „You might want something else, but my dear, here we had Serbian aggression!“ and went on attacking our colleague Dauenhauera using highly improper vocabulary and practically proclaiming him the Croatian enemy.

CJA has reacted many times to abrupt and offensive verbal attacks of politicians against journalists calling for that practice to be stopped and leading Croatian politicians to clearly say that attacks against journalists are inadmissible.

Instead, highly ranked politicians have become even more arrogant with journalists and latest scene with Damir Krstičević just tops that behavior. The fact that verbal attack against journalist came from vice-president of the Croatian Government and Defense Minister makes it even more serious.

That kind of attack and coming from such high positioned person is indirect but very dangerous encouragement for public lynch. The fact that the journalist Dauenhauer received serial of threatening messages just confirms the thesis.

CJA requests Damir Krstičević to publicly apologize to our colleague.

About that latest attack and threats against journalists CJA will inform international organizations engaged in protection of journalists an freedom of expression.