AJK protested against threats and attacks on journalists

Source/Author: Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Source/Photo: President of AJK, Shkelqim Hysenaj (centre), Vehbi Kajtazi (right) | Photo by: AJK

PRISTINA, 14/10/2017 – Association of Journalists of Kosovo supported by members of civil society, journalists, university professors, citizens and different activists have protested today in Pristina. The aim of the protest was the objection of physical attacks and threats on journalists.

AJK asks from justice system to get active in the fight against those forms of pressure against journalists. President of AJK, Shkelqim Hysenaj said that “it is last moment when all institutions starting from President, Prime Minister, Parliament Speaker, president’s of all courts and the prosecution to help journalist community which is remaining alone in this battle and create safe environment for the work of journalists”.

AJK is also asking for quick treatment of all cases of threats and attacks against journalists that are in the prosecution and in the courts as well.

Kosovo should not be allowed to be turned in a country where journalists are afraid to report or speak freely. The latest attack against the journalist Vehbi Kajtazi marks the 20th case this year, while Kosovo is continuously marking decrease in the index of media freedom and journalist’s safety.