The court rules on the journalist’s threat

Source/Author: Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Source/Photo: Photo by AJK

PRISTINA, 11.12.2018 – The Association of Journalists of Kosovo welcomes the relatively quick judicial handling of the threat to journalist Bujar Vitija by public official but expresses concern about the minimum sentence imposed on the defendant.

Zenel Kuqi, procurement official at Hospital and University Clinic Service, was found guilty by Basic Court in Pristina of making threats against a journalist and sentenced him to 200 euro fine.

On June 8th, 2018, Kuqi threatened journalists via telephone call after Vitija refused to meet him. That day, Vitija published a story related to a court case in which Kuqi and other officials from the Ministry of Health were acquitted.

AJK considers that such minimum conviction have negative effects in an environment of doing journalism and encourages attacks and threats against journalists.

The verdict was issued on November 8th 2018 by Judge Anita Krasniqi Prenaj and AJK was informed by journalist Vitija who said to have received the verdict by mail on December 10. He stated that he did not take part in any of trials. AJK asks from Courts to invite journalists and listen to their versions related to cases they have.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo reiterates the demand to security and justice institutions to treat with priority the cases of threats and attacks against journalists due to their mission for information and protection of public interest.

AGK also demands that attackers and threats of journalists receive a deserved punishment in order to prevent such acts and create a safe working environment for journalists.