AJK, UNS joint reaction

Source/Author: [:en]Association of Journalists of Kosovo[:ks]Asociacioni i Gazetarëve të Kosovës[:]
Source/Photo: [:en]Photo by: AJK[:ks]Foto: AGK[:]

PRISTINA, 15/02.2017 – Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AGK) and Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS) wish to jointly express our disappointment by the justice institutions in Kosovo for not participating in the regional journalists’ safety conference held in Prishtina, yesterday.

As it has been emphasized in many reports and roundtables, justice institutions play a key role in improving the situation in Kosovo. The fact that most of the cases of journalists’ murders have been already closed, as the chief of EULEX in Kosovo explained during the conference, is extremely concerning to us.

However, we call upon all respective institutions to not withhold investigations until these cases are solved – as it is never too late for justice. We commit to working closer together and carry out joint initiatives in our demand for justice and more effective proceeding of any eventual journalist related case in the future.