AJM: We condemn the attacks on the newspaper Zaman-Macedonia


SKOPJE, 31.01.2019 – The Association of Journalists of Macedonia strongly condemns the reaction of the Turkish Embassy in Skopje, which in its statement called the Turkish newspaper Zaman-Macedonia “a terrorist newsletter of FETO”.

For a newspaper that has been publishing over 25 years in Macedonia to say that it is a terrorist newsletter of any organization, it is a scandalous call for a lynch to the opponents.

We expect that other state institutions will condemn this act as well, which is aimed at suppressing the freedom of speech. We encourage our colleagues from Zaman-Macedonia to continue with their work and we offer them further support in the direction of informing the International Federation of Journalists about the pressures this editorial office faces while working in Macedonia.

The reaction of the Turkish Embassy in Skopje came after it was announced in the public that the newspaper Zaman-Macedonia is one of the newspapers which will receive financial assistance (subventions) from the Government within the project for supporting the print media.