Media strategy “practically completed”

Source/Photo: Photo: Media Center

BELGRADE, 08.02.2018. – Serbia’s new media strategy is “practically completed,” says Minister of Culture and Information Vladan Vukosavljevic.

Speaking at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade on Wednesday, Vukosavljevic pointed out that a commission working on the strategy, composed of media experts, has “practically finished the job.”

“We expect some consultations with the ministries and I believe that we will soon send the media strategy to a public debate,” Vukosavljevic said.

The minister “expressed regret that representatives of some media associations did not return to the team developing this strategy.”

“For our part, all of their conditions were accepted, we encouraged them, regardless of their formal status, to contribute to the development of the media strategy,” Vukosavljevic said.