Selection of non-Parliament members of the Parliament Media Committee is new attack on media freedom and mockery of Croatian citizens

Source/Author: CJA
Source/Photo: Hina

ZAGREB, 29.10.2017. – Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) warns public that selection of non-Parliament members of the Parliament Committee for Information, Informatization and Media is new attack on media freedom and integrity of journalist profession in Croatia.

Although CJA has nearly 2400 members, journalist Slavica Lukić, its vice-president and non-Parliament member of the Parliament Committee for Information, Informatization and Media in previous term and CJA’s candidate, has not been selected.

Candidacy of former CJA’s president Zdenko Duka, Novi list journalist and head of Communication Dept. at Croatian Studies and former member of HRT Program Council Nada Zgrabljić Rotar have not been accepted either. The following candidates have been refused too: Jelena Berković, GONG executive director and former journalist, Toni Gabrić, founder and editor of H-Alter web portal, Sandra Križanec, N1 TV journalist and Ante Mikić, head of Croatian Catholic Network and former editor of Croatian Catholic Radio.

To cut it short, not a single candidate with any journalistic experience and knowledge has been selected for non-Parliament member of the Parliament Media Committee; the biggest parties have selected their members instead.

By that selection political elite once again mocked the Croatian citizens because those non-Parliament members should make sure that necessary level of professionalism and competence would be appreciated in Parliament bodies.