Verbal threat, Slavisa Lekic, Belgrade, 03.02.2018.

    Country SR
    Name and Surname Slavisa Lekic
    Gender Male
    Date 03/02/2018
    City / Location Belgrade
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Media name Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia
    Source Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia
    Judiciary status The prosecutor's office established that there are no grounds for criminal prosecution as for criminal offences prosecuted ex officio.
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction IJAS filed criminal charges to prosecutor office.
    Were authorities informed? Yes - Public

    An unknown person sent to the president of the IJAS, Slavisa Lekic threatening message via Facebook. The message had the following content: “I fuck all of yours – dead or alive, you other Serbian scumbag! I fuck Bojana, who stopped your time, you sell-out. In the end – I fuck your bosses your bigheaded freak!” In October last year, the same person sent Lekic messages with similar content.

    ‘Other Serbians’  is a pejorative term for Serbian intellectuals who established communication with Croatian intellectuals during the war in the nineties. It is used by right wing groups to insult those who don’t share their values.