AJK: Threats must stop against sources of journalists

Source/Author: Association of Journalists of Kosovo

PRISTINA, 26.11.2018 – The Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK) is concerned about the notification of director of University Clinical Hospital Services, Basri Sejdiu who demanded to find and sanction the employee that cooperated with a media that published a video of floods inside the central pharmacy of the institution, in which bad conditions are shown in storing and protecting the medicines.

This fact presents censorship and violation of the rights of employees and affects directly the work of media causing this way an obstacle in receiving information at the time when institutions continue to be more and more closed for public.

Also, this act is in opposition with the Law on Protection of Whistleblowers which is recently approved in Kosovo’s Assembly and it is expected to enter in power within eight days. This law protects whistleblowers and obliges Kosovo’s institution to offer guarantees for them. In contrary, not respecting the law consists of sanctions for all.

AJK supports strongly professional work of all institutions and believes in basic principles of profession and it is engaged to secure safe and secure environment for journalists in their work.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo hopes that this concern will be understood clearly and rightly from all parties.