OSCE committed to security for journalists

Source/Author: N1
Source/Photo: Photo: N1

BELGRADE, 16.04.2018. – The OSCE is committed to the security of journalists and is very concerned over the threats and aggression towards them, the new OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Desir told N1.

“Unfortunately we still have threats and aggressive behavior towards journalists which is very concering for use and we are very committed to securing greater respect for jouralist who are critical by nature of their job. I understand that public figures sometimes get upset but it is very important to ensure the safety of journalists and investigate all threats, including those on the Internet and social networks,” Desir said.

He said he met President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic who gave him the impression of being convinced that there is full media freedom in Serbia. ”A climate in which there is media pluralism has to be developed,” Desir said.

According to the OSCE official, the media strategy which is being drafted in Serbia has to clearly define the rules of ownership, transparency, state financing and a regulatory system, the role of regulatory agencies, evaluation of the public broadcasting service and its financing as well as its independence.