Triple hacking of talk show website

Source/Author: Association of Journalist of Kosovo
Source/Photo: Printscreen of website

PRISTINA, 30.01.2018 – Website of talk show “Slobodno srpski” is hacked three times within three days. The attack was signed by Triger-X.

Budimir Nicic, author and moderator of the show which is broadcasted in Radiotelevision of Kosovo, reported the case on Tuesday to Kosovo police.

“In fact, in my return from police station, when I entered my office, I’ve seen that the site was attacked again, for the third time,” Nicic told Association of Journalists of Kosovo.

He said that the first hacking happened on January 28th, 2018, after he promoted in social media the coming interview with president of Citizen’s Initiative “Za nas Zvecan” (For our Zvecan), Dragisa Milovic, who talked about the latest political situation in the northern part of Kosovo.

Second attack occurred after interview was broadcasted the same day. This was the first time the website was attacked, Nicic added.

He said to expect from authorities to find the persons behind the hacking.

“I don’t know if this has to do with my job, respectively with my latest guest, but the hacking of the site for three times, in a short period of time, I am experiencing this as a pressure,” Nicic said.

Budimir Nicic is the president of Association of Serb Journalists in Kosovo.