Campaign for drawing attention on the problems of media and media professionals

Source/Author: Oslobođ
Source/Photo: BHN

SARAJEVO, BANJA LUKA, TREBINJE, ZENICA, BIHAĆ, TUZLA, MOSTAR, BRČKO, BIJELJINA, DOBOJ –  The world expects the  May 3rd this year with a general downward trend in media freedom and the deterioration of the working conditions of journalists and other media professionals, while there is a serious drop in media freedom in the Balkans. BH Journalists Association in cooperation with the Youth Journalists Association organized today on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, a campaign in ten bh  cities to draw public attention to the problems faced by media and media professionals in their daily work.


Activist Iman Muratovic emphasized in a statement for journalists in Sarajevo that the world expects the  May 3rd this year with a general downward trend in media freedom and the deterioration of the working conditions of journalists and other media professionals, while there is a serious drop in media freedom in the Balkans.

– According to the reasearch of “Reporters without Borders” BiH is at the 62. place , from 180 countries on the list – emphasized she.

In today’s campaign, activists talked with passers-by on the importance of the 3rd May and shared appropriate promotional material with them on the Day of Freedom of the Media.


– We walked through Sarajevo, but also our activists in nine other cities in BiH. It is more important to do this than to stand in the place and wait for someone to approach us,” she said.image

Similar actions were organized before, and Muratović says that although small there are some improvements. She believes that it will be better in the future, “of cource, if we continue to speak about the Worl Press Freedom Day”.
The Youth Journalists Association in BiH gathers young people interested in journalism and their vision is to be the umbrella organization of all youth media and contribute to the media literacy of the population and their critical reflection, informed Fena.