Verdict against journalist Jovo Martinović overturned

Source/Author: Fos Media
Source/Photo: AFP/Fos Media

PODGORICA, 26.10.2019. – A journalist Jovo Martinović, who was sentenced to one and a half year imprisonment in January this year on charges that he had used his acquaintances and thus linked drug dealers, will be trialed again after the Appellate Court suspended the judgement against him, writes Dan daily.

The verdict was also overturned for Branka Stanisic, who was sentenced to a year and three months in prison, so they will be tried again before the High Court.

On the other side, the Appellate Court judges confirmed the verdicts pronounced against: Vasko Perovic, Milan Maric, Marko Sakovic and Jonuz Hadzibetti.

Dusko Martinovic, as the organizer of the criminal group, was sentenced to six years and three months in prison, but did not appeal the verdict.