AJK welcomes the reaction of the Prosecution in the case of the Online Newspaper “Insajderi”, where 43 journalists were in danger of losing their jobs


Pristina, 17.06.2020 – The Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK), welcomes the arrest of one of the suspects of cyber attacks on the Online newspaper “Insajderi”, Ardian Alaj.

Alaj’s arrest has been confirmed by the Kosovo Police. Alaj is suspected of criminal offenses, “Breaking into computer systems”, “Self-judgment” and “Misuse of trust” to the Online newspaper “Insajderi” and some other media.

“Regarding your interest, we would like to inform you that the police investigators have implemented the decision of the Basic Prosecution of Prishtina for arrest and detention of the suspect A.A (1985) on suspicion of committing criminal offenses: “Breaking into computer systems, Article 327 of the CCRK”, “Self-judgment, Article 410 of the CCRK” and “Misuse of trust, Article 330 of the CCRK”. The suspect, with the decision of the prosecutor, was sent to detention”, it is said in the response of the police.

In addition to these criminal offenses, in the portal insajderi.com, in recent weeks, lynching articles have been published against journalists Parim Olluri and Vehbi Kajtazi, who own the portal “Insajderi”.

AJK requests from the competent structures to urgently clarify the case of the Online Newspaper “Insajderi” and to inform the audience about the measures there will be taken.

Delays in this process risk 43 journalists losing their jobs and they might not be paid.