MoU singing between AJK – OAK: From today Kosovo’s journalists will have their free legal representation

Source/Author: The Association of Journalist of Kosovo
Source/Photo: The Association of Journalist of Kosovo


Prishtina, 16. 11. 2019 – For the first time since its establishment, the Association of Journalists of Kosovo – AJK and the Kosovo Bar Association – OAK have signed the Memorandum of Understanding, which will provide free legal protection and representation for all members of AJK.

“The OAK will offer free legal representation and protection to the members of AJK, in the cases when they are going to be court procedures regarding their job, including legal consultancy for AJK, which will help the members to do their job,” is written on the MoU signed by the President of AJK – Gentiana Begolli Pustina and the President of OAK – Osman Havolli.

Through this MoU, the signatories have been committed to cooperate in different fields.

The President of AJK, Begolli Pustina said that is one of the most important agreements for AJK, considering that the majority of our colleagues for the reason of low salaries and the high cost of legal services have been handicapped to protect their rights.

In these kinds of circumstances where are many threatening cases and impeding journalists to do their job, legal protection is more than necessary. I thank the President of OAK – Mr. Osman Havolli, who decided to sign the MoU in the 46 anniversary of Kosovo Bar Association, said Begolli Pustina.

It is a further step of AJK’s efforts to assist its members in order to improve the environment and to make their job easier.