Police filed charges against policemen who attacked Drago Miljuš, Index.hr journalist

Source/Author: CJA/Ema Tarabochia
Source/Photo: Index

ZAGREB, 18.11.2017. – Police filed charges against two policemen who attacked Drago Miljuš, Index.hr journalist, at October 10, 2017, answered Davor Božinović, Minister of Interior, in his letter to the Parliament Committee for Information, Informatization and Media.

After that attack against Index. hr journalist the Parliament Committee for Information, Informatization and Media requested the opinion from the Minister of Interior Mr. Božinović. The answer came to the Parliament today.

“It was established that police officers’ actions constituted serious misconduct by which they damaged reputation of the Police. Therefore the Head of Split-Dalmatian Police Office brought a claim against them and asked for disciplinary actions to be taken. Both policemen have been removed from their duties until process is completed. Also, the investigation found out that one of them potentially committed crime of damaging someone else’s property and the other one of injury. Following these findings both policemen were filed charges against“, is said in the Minister’s answer according to Index.hr.

Croatian Journalists’ Association condemned physical attack of Split policemen against journalist Drago Miljuš and asked for immediate investigation and adequate penalization. It also called upon the Ministry of Interior to inform public about results of all reported cases of attacked journalists.

Initiated by the Regional Platform the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) reported the incident to the European Council (EC); it records all cases of attacks against journalist in EU member countries through data-base „Media Freedom Alerts“. Miljuš case is 7th Croatian case in that EC data-base.

The case was also followed by Harlem Désir, OSCE Commissioner for Media Freedom; he condemned the attack at his Twitter asking for immediate reaction from the Croatian institutions.


Source: CJA, safejournalists.net, Media Freedom Alerts, OSCE

Written by: Ema Tarabochia