Actual attacks on journalists, Andjela Djikanovic, Podgorica, 05.01.2020.

Actual attacks on journalists, Andjela Djikanovic, Podgorica, 05.01.2020.

Translations: Podgorica 

  • Case info

  • Personal info

  • Regional center
  • Gender
  • Victim(s) name
    Anđela Đikanović
  • Media outlet

  • Name of the media outlet
    FOS Media
  • Type of media platform
    Online Media
  • Source of information about the incident
  • Incident Data

  • Date of incident
  • City
  • Type of incident
    Actual attacks on journalists
  • Action by the authorities

  • Public prosecutor's action
    Prema kvalifikaciji Osnovnog državnog tužilaštva, Đikanović se tereti da je počinila krivično djelo izazivanje panike i nereda
  • Court action
    Istražni sudija je oslobodio Đikanović iz pritvora i dozvolio joj da se brani sa slobode. Nije poznato da je počeo proces pred sudom.
  • Action taken by the journalists' association

  • Was journalist's association informed by the journalists directly?

Andjela Djikanovic was detained on 5th January 2020. and retained for up to 72 hours on suspicion of committing the crime of panic and disorder after she published that 250 members of ROSU, a special Kosovo unit, would be available to Montenegrin police on Christmas Eve. The news was soon denied by the Government of Montenegro.

FOS Media, portal whose editor-in-chief is Djikanovic, withdrew that information about an hour after the disputed news was published and apologized for its publication.

On January 6th she was released to defend herself from freedom. The same day, FOS published a statement saying that Djikanovic had been dismissed as editor-in-chief for a “serious professional error.”

In January 2021, the Basic State Prosecutor’s Office in Podgorica rejected the report of the Police Administration filed on January 5, 2020 against Andjela Djikanovic.