Increased sentence to Marko Colic for attempting to murder BN television journalist

Source/Author: Srpskainfo

BANJALUKA, 09.03.2020. – Marko Colic was finally sentenced in the RS Supreme Court to five years in prison for the attempt to murder BN journalist Vladimir Kovacevic, according to the Srpskainfo portal.

In the first instance, Colic was sentenced to four years, but the Supreme Court increased his sentence.

“The Court council rejected the objections of the defense attorney of the convicted Colic, and they accepted the appeal of the District Prosecutor. Based on that decision, his sentence was increased from four to five years in prison,” RS Supreme Court Secretary Jelena Despotovic explained.

On August 26, 2018, Colic brutally beat Kovacevic with a metal bat together with Nedeljko Dukic, causing him serious head injuries.

Dukic was on the run and was recently arrested and is due to begin trial.