IJAS: Condemnation of obstructing the work of journalist Dejan Kozul

Source/Author: IJAS

Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia condemns the obstruction of the work of journalist Dejan Kozul, who reported from Kosovo before the elections.

According to him, while he was filming on the square in Kosovska Mitrovica, a representative of the Serbian List came and explained to those gathered where to go to vote. As Kozul states for NUNS, that representative instructed everyone not to film, for it not to be misinterpreted.

“What is there to be misinterpreted? Everything is clear. I want to record and they don’t have the right to stop me from doing it”, Kozul replied.

At that moment, another person came, grabbed his hand and lowered his camera, so that he could not film.

We call on all political actors, but especially government officials, not to interfere with journalists in any way in their work.

IJAS will certainly register this case in its database of attacks and pressures on journalists, and inform the authorities and institutions.

