Police call on journalist Parim Olluri, outrageous

Source/Author: AJK
Source/Photo: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10217492719123335&set=a.10207052063753476&type=3&theater

09.08.2019, Prishtina – Invitation to Parim Olluri, Executive Director of INSAJDER Portal, by Kosovo Police, specifically Police Station “QENDRA” in Prishtina, to appear or otherwise be arrested, is unacceptable for AJK.

According to a post made by Olluri on the social network Facebook, this is about an article he published about Gani Geci.

The articles that may be considered defamatory for certain individuals or institutions may not be treated differently, only under the Civil Law against Defamation and Insult (No. 02 / L-65).

The police order for journalist Parim Olluri is an extreme measure of the action of a public institution that goes beyond its legal powers and mandate.