AJK condemns the threat of the Head of the Culture Directorate in Skenderaj, Ramiz Shala, to the journalist Kajtaz Gecaj

Source/Author: The Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Source/Photo: The Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Pristina, 20.12.2019 – Association of Journalists of Kosovo has received with concern the information that the Head of the Directorate of Culture in Skenderaj, Ramiz Shala, has threatened with physical attack the correspondent of the newspaper “Zeri”, Kajtaz Gecaj.
According to journalist Gecaj, the threat came as a result of the article published “This year the municipality of Skenderaj paid four portals, none local.”
“A few moments ago, Ramiz Shala, The Head of Culture Directorate, threatened to attack me physically if I mention his name in the newspaper once again, even though his colleague, Kastriot Gashi, mentioned it.” –  wrote Gecaj on the social network Facebook.
Moreover, Gecaj has been threatened to be expelled from his office.
“He also threatened to expel me from the office tomorrow (Friday) ..” – added Gecaj on his Facebook post.
The AJK invites Mr. Shala to distance himself from this intolerable approach and if there are claims against writings made by Gecaj, he can to pursue legal procedures and not to use threatening language against the journalist.
The AJK encourages journalists not to be distracted by such threats and to report cases of obstruction to their professional work to the Police.