Dangerous language against media, Prishtinë, 12.08.2024

    Country KO
    Gender Group
    Date 12/08/2024
    City / Location Prishtine
    Type of incident Attacks on media outlets and organizations
    By whom By public persons
    Name of the perpetrator Sami Kurteshi
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name Klan Kosova, Gazeta Express, RTK
    Source media addressing
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction This is an irresponsible and dangerous statement by Kurteshi, who accuses the media of the circumstances surrounding Dehari's death in prison. Such statements endanger the safety of the journalists of these three media outlets and are unacceptable. The Dehari case has been and continues to be of significant public interest, with the Vetëvendosje itself sharing detailed information about the case. The footage released by the media has shed light on the events at the detention center, where heightened security measures were expected, thus aiding in informing the public.

    The member of Vetëvendosje in the Central Election Commission (CEC), Sami Kurteshi, criticized the media today during a public address regarding the case of the activist Astrit Dehari.

    Kurteshi has accused Klan Kosova, Express, and RTK: “of playing a negative and disinformation role, especially with the release of unauthorized footage. At the time, RTK carried all the propaganda against the Vetëvendosje Movement and justified the arrests.”

    This is an irresponsible and dangerous statement by Kurteshi, who accuses the media of the circumstances surrounding Dehari’s death in prison. Such statements endanger the safety of the journalists of these three media outlets and are unacceptable.

    The Dehari case has been and continues to be of significant public interest, with the Vetëvendosje itself sharing detailed information about the case.

    The footage released by the media has shed light on the events at the detention center, where heightened security measures were expected, thus aiding in informing the public.