Death threats to journalists, Slobodan Georgiev and Ivan Ivanovic, Belgrade, 14.05.2020.


    Journalists Ivan Ivanović and Slobodan Georgiev received threats via the social network Twitter. In the threat to Ivanović, the person stated, “We will butcher your wife and daughter.” Long live the SNS “, while the BIRN journalist was told that he would pass as (killed Slavko) Ćuruvija.

    Serbian Security Information Agency (BIA) stated “With the quick reaction of the members of the Security-Information Agency and the Ministry of the Interior, the person was arrested and, in consultation with the duty prosecutor, he will be detained for 48 hours, after which he will be brought before a competent judge.”

    There is a reliable suspition that this is a person who hid behind the profile “Military Intelligence Officer” @VojniO since she made disgusting threats.