Threats against the lives and physical safety of journalists, Boris Dežulović, Croatia, 2.11.2021.

    Zemlja CRO
    Ime i prezime Boris Dežulović
    Spol Muški
    Datum 02/11/2021
    Vrsta napada Prijetnje smrću i teškim tjelesnim ozljedama
    Od koga Građana prema novinarima Državnih institucija/dužnosnika/službenika
    Počinitelj/osumnjičenik A group of people on social networks, the Ministry of Veterans, the mayor of Vukovar
    Vrsta medija Online
    Naziv medija N1
    Izvor novinar
    Je li novinarsko udruženje bilo obaviješteno? Da
    Koja je bila reakcija novinarskog udruženja? HND je reagirao priopćenjem u kojem je osudio prijetnje.
    Je li napad prijavljen policiji/nadležnim institucijama? Slučaj je prijavljen policiji

    Journalist Boris Dezulovic published a column entitled “Jebo vas Vukovar” on the N1 portal, on November 2nd, 2021, in which the author problematizes the abuse of the victim of the city of Vukovar for political purposes. After the column was published, Dezulović became a victim of comments on the column, in the personal profile inbox on Facebook, and the Ministry of Veterans’ Affairs and the Mayor of Vukovar also publicly condemned the journalist. Dezulovic has so far received hundreds of threats because of this column, in which he is insulted, where it is said that he should be deprived of Croatian citizenship and expelled from Croatia, it is stated where the journalist lives, and that he should be killed. Some of the threats have been reported to the police.