Threats against media outlets and organizations, Dnevni avaz, 01.02.2021.

    Country BH
    Name and Surname Dnevni avaz
    Gender Group
    Date 01/02/2021
    City / Location Sarajevo
    Type of incident Threats against media outlets and organizations
    By whom By public officials
    Type of media print online
    Media name Dnevni avaz
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes

    Municipal Court in Sarajevo made the decision to temporarily ban “Dnevni Avaz” from writing about the private life of the President of the Court of BiH, Ranko Debevec. “Dnevni Avaz” and its editors are ordered to “refrain from harassing the plaintiff (Debevec) in terms of presenting information from his private life, both in print and electronic, daily and other media.”

    The decision of the Municipal Court in Sarajevo is disputable because the explanation does not argue that writing about the private life of the President of the Court of BiH is not in the public interest, nor that Dnevni Avaz violated his right to privacy, as the authors of the disputed articles repeatedly emphasized that they are publishing certain information from Debevec’s private life in order to prove his abuse of office.