ISTOČNO SARAJEVO, 21.03.2018.-Na Skupštini povjerilaca RTV Istočno Sarajevo 20. marta 2018. godine prihvaćena je ponuda “Elta medija grupe” u visini od 107.600 KM bez PDV-a za otkup ove medijske kuće koja se nalazi u stečaju, prenosi portal sarajevo-rs.com.
Regulatorna agencija za komunikacije (RAK) BiH 12. marta je donijela rješenje kojim se oduzima license for radio broadcasting RTV Istočno Sarajevo, with what the creditors and representatives of the “Elta Media Group” are familiar with.
From the “Elta media group” it is said that there is an appeal deadline for RAK solutions and they hope that the agency will appreciate the buyer's arguments and invalidate the rescript to revoke the radio broadcasting license, reports sarajevo-rs.com.
The bankruptcy administrator Radoslav Bratić said that besides the “Elta media group”, there was also an offer of the City Istočno Sarajevo, which demanded that the public advertisement be annulled and that based on the conditions provided in the letter, the City goes to a direct contract, which the assembly of creditors refused.
He also added, that according to the recript of the Regulathory Agency for Communications the license for radio broadcasting was withdrawn and further broadcasting of the program was prohibited, while the television continued with normal broadcasting and a deadline of 15 days was allowed to file a complaint against this decision.
The Regulatory Agency for Communications will act ex officio
According to TV1, the sell of RTVIS implies also selling the radio frequency. Since this is a public resource, and the law specifically states that only the regulatory body is authorized to issue consents and permits for using the frequencies -this is violation of clearly defined law regulations.
„The regulatory body can not give its cinsent for selling these frequences, since there was no request to do so. When we acknowledged that there are indications for this we warned the bankruptcy administrator, as well as all the other organs in bankruptcy proceedings, that the administrator announced a competition that is not in accordance with the regulatory body and the law“, said the director of the Regulatory Agency for Communications, Predrag Kovač for TV1 and added that the agency will, ex officio, request for all information to be delivered and act exclusively by law.