Photo By: Andrija Vukelic

Journalist Attack Latest Cases

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Western Balkans Journalists’ Safety Index

The Safe Journalists Index is an annual ranking of countries compiled and published by Safe Journalists experts based upon the organisation's own assessment of the countries' press freedom records in the previous year.


SafeJournalists: Intimidation of Journalist Vincent van Gerven Oei in Albania Must Stop

The SafeJournalists Network is deeply alarmed by the recent intimidation of Dutch journalist Vincent van Gerven Oei, who published a critical article titled "How to Launder Art...

SafeJournalists and EFJ: Kidnapping Threats of Journalist Jurica Gašpar in Croatia Must be Prosecuted

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the SafeJournalists network strongly condemned the threats against the journalist and editor-in-chief of the portal and called on the...

SafeJournalists: Rising Concern Over Government Efforts to Deflect Criticism by Discrediting Media in Albania

The SafeJournalists Network is increasingly concerned about the rising trend in Albania, where government officials blame the media for allegedly damaging the country's image rather than engaging...

