Photo By: Andrija Vukelic

Journalist Attack Latest Cases

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Western Balkans Journalists’ Safety Index

The Safe Journalists Index is an annual ranking of countries compiled and published by Safe Journalists experts based upon the organisation's own assessment of the countries' press freedom records in the previous year.


SafeJournalists, EFJ and IFJ: Death threats against Tanjug journalists in Serbia must be investigated

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) together with the SafeJournalists Network stand in full solidarity with Tanjug journalists who have received death threats by email...

SafeJournalists: Institutions must prosecute all participants of the incident in the town of Otok in Croatia

Journalists and cameramen were exposed to verbal attacks and insults from a group of citizens in the town of Otok in Croatia when they reported on the...

SafeJournalists: Intimidation of Journalist Vincent van Gerven Oei in Albania Must Stop

The SafeJournalists Network is deeply alarmed by the recent intimidation of Dutch journalist Vincent van Gerven Oei, who published a critical article titled "How to Launder Art...

