Media’s role in tackling environmental challenges in Kosovo

Source/Author: Association of Journalists of Kosovo

PRISTINA, 11.10.2018 – The Head of EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative, Nataliya Apostolova in cooperation with the Association of Journalists of Kosovo organized a meeting on Thursday with media representatives to discuss the environmental issues that challenge Kosovo.

AJK’s President, Gentiana Begolli-Pustina stressed the importance of trainings for journalists on tackling environmental problems having in consideration that majority of media have no organizational and financial capacities to train the journalists in the profiles of environment.

Begolli – Pustina underlined also that awareness of environmental problems through media and NGO’s should also have the support of international donators having in mind poor financial conditions of media operating in Kosovo, in particular to those online.

Talking about support to media and civil society organizations, the EU office plays an important role that has as a priority the environmental issues and the risks posed if biggest environmental pollutants are not addressed on time.

AJK through its representative, Begolli – Pustina stated clearly in front of head of EU office in Kosovo, Ms. Apostolova, the readiness to support joint projects between the EU office in Kosovo and AJK in implementation of trainings for journalists, support for media to report and organizing activities with interest in the field of environment.