Prijetnje, Mirjana Radanović, Banja Luka, 25.05.2016.

    Country BH
    Name and Surname [:en]Mirjana Radanović[:]
    Gender Female
    Date 25/05/2016
    City / Location [:en]Banja Luka [:]
    Type of incident Threats against the lives and limbs of journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Name of the perpetrator [:en]Goran Jakšić[:]
    Media name [:en]FTV[:]
    Source [:en]FTV[:]
    Article and legislation violated (nationally) [:en]Criminal Code FBiH - Article 183; The Law on Public Peace and Order - Article 8a[:]
    Article of the European Convention of Human Rights that was violated [:en]Article 10[:]
    Legal closure Perpatrator is convicted
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction [:en]FMHL sent a public warning to the owner of the media and protest for the sake of death threats. It was announced the claim to threats and payment of journalist´s fees. The Police conducted an investigation, it is in process to prepare the lawsuits by lawyers FMHL.[:]
    Were authorities informed? Yes - Police Yes - Public

    Novinarki  Mirjani Radanović prijetio putem telefona Goran Jakšić, bivši poslodavac iz REC produkcije; uz ostale prijetnje prijetio telefonskim putem i da će je “Vrbas odnijeti” i da će ostati bez posla na FTV, gdje trenutno zaposlena.