Physical attack, Radoslav Ivankovic, Trebinje, August 20, 2016.

    Country BH
    Name and Surname [:ba]Radoslav Ivanković[:]
    Gender Male
    Date 20/08/2016
    City / Location [:ba]Trebinje[:]
    Type of incident Threats against the lives and limbs of journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Name of the perpetrator [:ba]Predrag Runjevac[:]
    Media name [:ba]Karona radio Trebinje[:]
    Source [:ba]Radoslav Ivanković[:]
    Article and legislation violated (nationally) [:ba]Criminal code of RS - Article 385 and Article 156; Law on Public Peace and Order - Article 12; [:]
    Article of the European Convention of Human Rights that was violated [:ba]Article 10[:]
    Legal closure Perpatrator is convicted
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction [:ba]BHJA and FMHL sent a letter to the Ceter of Public Safety in Trebinje. The Center informed us that the attackers were sanctioned.[:]
    Were authorities informed? Yes - Police Yes - Public

    Journalists Radoslav Ivankovic was  physically attackedby Predrag Runjevac Runjo. The attack happened in front of the house where Ivanković lives. The motice is most probably the fact that Ivankovic refused to publicly support the Luka Petrovic, the candidate for mayor of Trebinje in front of the political partie SNSD.