Other threats to journalists, Drago Pilsel, Zagreb, 01.08.2018.

    z1511j25 Zagreb, 15.11.2013. (novosti) - Kuca ljudskih prava - Presica na kojoj je predstavljeno pismo gradanskih inicijativa i organizacija papi Franji u sklopu kampanje protiv sirenja mrznje i netolerancije - Na slici: Drago PILSEL - Foto Darko JELINEK
    Country CRO
    Name and Surname Drago Pilsel
    Gender Male
    Date 16/08/2018
    City / Location Zagreb
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media online
    Media name Autograf.hr
    Source Media
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction CJA's announcement was sent to local authorities and international organizations.
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police

    From the beginning of August 2018. our colleague journalist and writer Drago Pilsel has at the Facebook received threats and insults by hundreds. As he stated reporting about it to the Police, it started by Andrija Hebrang’s accusation he was ”a forger from the side that lost (the war)” and ”sympathizer of aggressor’s army”.