Physical assaults, Darko Bulatovic, Niksic, 21.06.2016.

    Country MN
    Name and Surname [:en]Darko Bulatovic[:me]Darko Bulatović[:]
    Gender Male
    Date 21/06/2016
    City / Location [:en]Nikšić[:me]Nikšić[:]
    Type of incident Actual attacks on journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media online
    Media name [:en]Portal "Onogost"[:]
    Source [:en]Media[:]
    Legal closure Perpatrator is acquitted
    Was journalist`s association informed No
    What was journalists' association reaction [:en]Trade Union of Media of Montenegro didn't have any reaction, because that was demanded by journalist.[:]

    Journalist Darko Bulatovic, experienced inconvenience on the job while trying to take a picture of a malfunction of a water pipe, in Voja Deretica street, and thus inform citizens about the problem. At one point two workers of a company Bemax’s came to him and one of them pushed him while telling him to move away from the site. At the same time, the other worker didn’t allow him to take a picture of a site where they were working, although this was a public place and althoug the whole city was ran out of water. One of them, at one point told him that journalist of “Vijesti” could not take photos of anything, apparently not knowing that Bulatović had been working for portal Onogošt. The other worker was threatening him and tried to take the phone out of his hand.