The leadership of the sports journalists section of AJM was elected

Source/Author: AJM

SKOPJE, 20.04.2019 – Today, in the Journalist Club’s, the Election Assembly of the section of sports journalists was held within the Association of Journalists of Macedonia. At the event which was attended by approximately 40 sports journalists, Pero Momirovski was elected unanimously as the head of this section.

The attendees concluded that in the following period the head of this section will compile a team in which several more sports journalists will participate in order to coordinate more effectively with this body in future.

One of the first activities of the Section will be to try to improve the work conditions of sports journalists by facilitating their access to sports activities and events, as well as by promoting cooperation with sports federations and clubs in the country and abroad.

The president of AJM Mladen Chadikovski welcomed this initiative and said that only together and with high level of solidarity they can improve the ambience in which sports journalists work. He congratulated his colleagues for their pro-activity and indicated that the Association stands behind them and would dedicate with all its’ capacity in order to support the section in their work.

This is the second formed section within the Association of Journalists of Macedonia. Last month, a section of cameramen was formed at the AJM, and in the future separate sections of young journalists and investigative journalists will be formed as well.