AJK strongly condemns the physical attack of the Minister Endrit Shala, towards journalist Ensar Ramadani

Source/Author: The Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Source/Photo: IndeksOnline

Pristina, 17.12.2019 – Association of Journalists of Kosovo strongly condemns the attack on IndeksOnline journalist Ensar Ramadani by the Acting Minister of Trade and Industry, Endrit Shala.

As IndeksOnline platform reports, Minister Shala punched in the face journalist Ramadani while he was on duty. He was reporting about the condition of another official of “NISMA” political party, Luan Maloku, at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo.

Shala asked the journalist his phone and after he refused doing that, Shala physically assaulted him, punching him in the face.

AJK also received a statement from the Kosovo Police, according to which the journalist is currently being questioned at the “South” police station, and that police units are handling the case.

AJK condemns this attack and any other verbal and physical attack by politicians and the heads of institutions and calls the police, the prosecution and the entire justice system to treat journalists’ cases with priority.

At the same time, AJK encourages its colleagues to continue to carry out their work with responsibly and not to be stopped by any attack or threat.