Legal deadlines for IMC responses are exceeded

Source/Author: Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Source/Photo: Association of Journalists of Kosovo

PRISTINA, 31.01.2020 – Representatives of the Independent Media Commission have not yet responded to concerns raised by the AJK on the Draft Code of Ethics for Audio and Audiovisual Media Service Providers in the Republic of Kosovo (Draft Code of Ethics) and Draft Regulation on the Protection of Children and Minors in Audio and Audiovisual Media Services (Draft Regulation), despite ten days have passed since the official announcement, where the legal deadlines for providing answers have been exceeded. In collaboration with media lawyer Flutura Kusari, AJK concluded that these draft regulations contain provisions that infringe on freedom of expression and the media.

The silence of the IMC against the largest organization in the country that defends the rights of journalists and advocates for media freedom, is unacceptable. This non-response is indicative of the low level of transparency of this public agency, which should not go on. As publicly reacted by the AJK on January 24 this year, these two proposals should not be approved. On the contrary, violating the freedom of expression of journalists and media in Kosovo is justified through normative acts of a public institution such as the IMC.

Any further delay makes the situation even more serious, so we are repeating the following issues that we have raised:

– What are the reasons that have driven the amendment of the Draft Code of Ethics and Draft Regulation?

– Has there been any legal analysis of the short comings of the Code of Ethics and Regulation in force which the IMC claims to address in the process of amendment? If so, share it with us.

– On what international standards was the IMC based when it proposed the prohibition of reporting by the courts?

– During the amendment, have they sought the expertise and support of any of the international institutions present in Kosovo and active in the field of media freedom?