editor says no government measures can silence the portal

Source/Photo: Nq

BELGRADE, 02.04.2020. – The portal’s editor in chief said that no measures imposed by what he said are “the most slanderous authorities in recent Serbian history” would silence the portal and its journalists. journalist Ana Lalic was arrrested on Wednesday night following the publication of her story about how bad the situation in the Vojvodina Clinical Center is. 

“No conclusions, decrees or states of emergency can stop journalists like Ana Lalic from doing their job. They can’t silence the other journalists and editors on the portal short of arrresting them all,” editor in chief Veselin Simonovic said.  The Serbian government issued a decree banning anyone but its Crisis Staff from releasing information about the coronavirus pandemic.

Simonovic said that “the most slanderous authorities in recent Serbian history have been encourage by the state of emergency and have dared to arrest an honorable journalist on charges of spreading panic through lies”.

According to Simonovic, Lalic is “a top professional, a brave journalist who will never back down to force whether it comes from the authorities, the Mafia, police, prosecutor who have, unfortunately, become mixed up in Serbia now”.