Reporters Without Borders: Slow progress and stalled reforms, the registry of AJM and CMEM is a bright spot


SKOPJE, 21.04.2020 – This year’s Reporters Without Borders Index, which measures media freedom in countries around the world, was released today. North Macedonia has jumped 3 places on this list and is now ranked 92nd out of 180 countries in the world.

Regarding the situation in our country, it is stated that: “In the field of enhancing self-regulation and working standards of the professional journalists, there are two ground-breaking achievements: A Register of Professional Online Media which has about 120 members was created by the Council of Media Ethics (CMEM) and AJM. The initiative promotes self-regulation of online media by committing them to respect the Code of Journalists and publishing decisions by the CMEM. The Charter on journalists’ working conditions and the draft Fair Working Contract for journalists and media workers in digital media was also signed by Trade Union of Macedonian Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) in collaboration with AJM and the CMEM, committing to respect all journalists’ and media workers’ labor rights, their freedom of expression as well as ethical and professional standards”.

One of the problems highlighted in Reporters Without Borders’ report is the funding of the media by municipalities, despite the ban on this practice. In addition, the buying of space in the media for promoting the achievements of the Government is criticized, something that was condemned by the Association of Journalists of Macedonia.

It is noted in the report that the number of physical attacks on journalists and media workers had decreased, but that the number of cyber-attacks was on the rise. The stagnation of the reform in the public service was criticized as well.

According to the latest media freedom index, from the neighboring countries, ranked above North Macedonia are: Greece in 65th place, Kosovo in 70th place and Albania in 84th place, while behind us are Serbia in 93rd place, Montenegro in 105th and Bulgaria in 111th place.