Translations: Beograd
Case info
Personal info
- Regional centerRS
- GenderMale
- Victim(s) name[:en]Dragan Živanović[:]
Media outlet
- Name of the media outlet[:en]Radio-televizija Srbije[:]
- Type of media platformRadio
Incident Data
- Date of incident20.02.2015
- City[:en]Niš[:]
- Perpetrator(s)Known (suspected)
- Attacked by(ordinary) citizens
- Type of incidentActual attacks on journalists
Action by the authorities
Action taken by the journalists' association
- Was journalist's association informed by the journalists directly?Yes
Cameraman Dragan Zivanovic was disabled to record the building of the High Court in Nis. The guard approached him, put his hand on the camera and told him not to record and to move. The cameraman said that he cannot ban him to record. After that, the court worker asked him for an ID card and Zivanovic refused to give him ID card. When he went to the entrance of the court, the worker hit the tripod of the camera.