Police assault Nova.rs reporters during protest

Source/Author: N1 Belgrade / Nova S

Two Nova.rs portal women reporters were assaulted by the police while covering Wednesday’s protests in Belgrade.

The protal said that one of the women was hit on the fingers with a baton and had her phone, knocking her phone out of her hand while the other one was pushed. The incident happened a block away from parliament on an intersection after the police had pushed protesters down the street.

“Both had shown their press cards to the police but they weren’t interested and continued showing and attacking them,” the portal said.

The Beta news agency reported that the police also beat up one of its reporters after he identified himself as a journalist.   In a third incident, a state TV (RTS) crew was verbally attacked by protesters in the southern city of Nis but were kept safe by reporters from the independent news portal Juzne Vesti.