Physical attack, Bojan Bobić, Bijeljina, July 07, 2015.

    Country BH
    Name and Surname [:en]Bojan Bobić[:ba]Bojan Bobić[:]
    Gender Male
    Date 07/07/2015
    City / Location [:en]Bijeljina[:ba]Bijeljina[:]
    Type of incident Threats against the lives and limbs of journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media print
    Media name [:en]EURO BLIC [:ba]EURO BLIC[:]
    Article and legislation violated (nationally) [:en]Law on Public Peace and Order - Article 12[:ba]Criminal Code of RS , Article 155[:]
    Article of the European Convention of Human Rights that was violated [:en]Article 10[:ba]Article 10[:]
    Legal closure Perpatrator is convicted
    Judiciary status [:en]The court process is ongoing[:]
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction [:en]Association of BiH Journalists and Free Media Help Line sent an official note to police authorities in Bijeljina demanding immediate investigation of the case of attack on our colleague Bobic. After this, we send another note to the Cour in Bijeljina demanding information about the oral hearing. We are waiting for the response. [:ba]Association of BiH Journalists and Free Media Help Line sent an official note to police authorities in Bijeljina demanding immediate investigation of the case of attack on our colleague Bobic. [:]
    Were authorities informed? Yes - Police Yes - Public

    Bojan Bobic, while performing his professional duties in Bijeljina, was assaulted by the “chief of construction site” of the construction company, claiming that “photo taking was not allowed there”. Colleague Bobic was injured during this assault.