The behavior of the deputy of Lëvizja Vetëvendosje, Hekuran Murati towards the journalist Leoreta Abazi, is inappropriate and unacceptable


PRISTINA, 15.12.2020 – The Association of Journalists of Kosovo – AJK, has accepted with concern the behavior of the deputy of Lëvizja Vetëvendosje, Hekuran Murati, towards the journalist of “Gazeta Infokus”, Leoreta Abazi.

While Murati was being asked how much money does he have in his Trust fund, he grabbed and pushed the microphone of the journalist. For AJK, this kind of behavior by a member of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo is arrogant and unacceptable.

Journalists have the right to ask questions without prior permission, as the political and state officials have the right to answer them or not. However this does not give them the permission to prevent our colleagues from doing their jobs.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo calls upon the political and public officials to not prevent journalists from doing their job.

AJK encourages all of our journalist colleagues to report all of the cases where their rights are violated while on duty.