Threats against the lives and limbs of journalists, Sead Sadikovic, Bijelo Polje, 24.03.2020

    Country MN
    Name and Surname Sead Sadiković
    Gender Male
    Date 20/03/2020
    City / Location Bijelo Polje
    Type of incident Threats against the lives and limbs of journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Name of the perpetrator A. H.
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name TV Vijesti
    Public prosecutor No elements of committing a criminal offense
    Legal closure Charges dismissed
    Was journalist`s association informed No
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the Prosecutor’s Office

    The editor of Vijesti Television, Sead Sadikovic, on March 24, 2020. submitted a report to the authorized officials of Security Center in Bijelo Polje. The report states that he received messages of offensive and threatening content on his Facebook profile via messenger in the period from March 20 to 22. The reason for that was his TV story in the magazine “Bez granica” (Without borders) which referred to the Roma population.

    After police measures and actions taken, A.H. admitted that he had sent the disputed messages, because journalist called the Roma derogatory names in the aforementioned story. The Basic State Prosecutor’s Office in Bijelo Polje formed the case files, and then submitted them to Security Center in Budva so that the locally competent prosecutor in Kotor would be acquainted with them. After getting acquainted with the case file, the prosecutor in Kotor stated that there were no elements of committing a criminal offense in the case.