Journalist Senad Hadžifejzović questioned by the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH due to threats

Source/Author: Dnevni avaz/BHN

SARAJEVO, 16.03.2021 – The Prosecutor’s Office of BiH has formed a case and opened an investigation against Jasmin Mulahusić, with the address of residence in Luxembourg, for the criminal offense of inciting national, religious or racial hatred and intolerance through various publications on the Internet, public space and social networks.

– According to the order of the prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH, the competent police agencies performed certain checks and collected information, and in the capacity of witnesses and injured parties a certain number of persons were questioned – it was confirmed to the media from this institution.

One of those who testified in the Prosecutor’s Office in connection with the mentioned investigation is the well-known BH journalist and owner of Face television Senad Hadžifejzović, which he confirmed yesterday in a statement for “Dnevni Avaz”.

– I look at this the way he looks at Face TV, so he watches our TV, and he hates and threatens?! I don’t have Facebook, I never read comments, I work, let them criticize. But I find out about these persons who are a threat and danger to journalists, I also find out who they are even when they are anonymous – says Hadžifejzović.

He added that the Prosecutor’s Office must act efficiently.

– Although I am very surprised that someone accepted the job in this case where, I believe, individuals and intelligence services have a very strong connection, this is not the only such case and example – added Hadžifejzović.