PRISTINA, 03.05.2021 – The Association of Journalists of Kosovo – AJK, in cooperation with and with the support of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, the United Nations Team in Kosovo and the United Nations Mission in Kosovo, today marks May 3 – World Press Freedom Day with the motto “Blackout May”. This motto serves as a call for all institutions to see what a day without media would look like.

On World Press Freedom Day, AJK in cooperation with its partners and this year with the support of the US Embassy in Kosovo, held a roundtable discussion on “Challenges of media freedom and security of journalists in Kosovo.”

Ambassador Michael Davenport – Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, through a video message, called on the media to combat misinformation by reporting correctly and with facts.

“The public relies on media professionals to provide accurate information and combat misinformation, based on ethical and fact-based reporting. Critical times like these call on media owners, editors and journalists to exert their influence with responsibilities and governments to create the right conditions for this “.

Ulrika Richardson – UN Development Coordinator, spoke about the important role of journalists in our society.

“Journalists have a very privileged role in our societies, they have the ear and trust of the people, and of course this comes with a great responsibility to be able to provide information impartially and independently as much as possible. “Now, with that comes the responsibilities of the institutions that have to ensure that the right conditions exist for journalists to do their profession, which is a noble profession.”

The Ambassador of the United States of America, Philip Kosnett, in honor of the World Press Freedom Day, came out with a statement saying that attacks on journalists are attacks on democracy itself.

“A vibrant, free press – informing the public, empowering different voices and holding public officials accountable – is a fundamental component of any stable democracy. Journalists deserve our respect and protection. Threats and attacks against journalistspresent attacks on democracy, itself”.

Lars-Gunnar Wigemark – Head of the European Union Rule of Law Mission during his speech said that media freedom should not be taken for granted, but should be protected as one of the main pillars of society.

“Media freedom is at the core of a democratic system and as such, it should never be taken for granted, but rather should be nurtured and protected as a building of a better society for all.”

Also in a livebroadcast was Ambassador Nancy Soderberg – Senior Director of NDI in Kosovo, who said that the media play a key role in democratic stability.

“Journalists are at the front line of defending democracy and you are definitely the fourth power …. You and the media have a key role to play in maintaining democratic stability and holding leaders accountable.”

The President of the Board of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, GentianaBegolliPustina, addressed the audience on the freedom of the media and the safety of journalists, emphasizing that the climate of journalism is continuing to worsen from year to year.

You have seen yourself how easily our colleagues are physically attacked, in the middle of the day, in the center of Prishtina. For most attacks by the judiciary we have the usual answer “investigations continue”, “we are on the right track to shed light on the case”, and so on. As long as we get the same answers from year to year, the climate of journalism is getting worse, and as this reality continues, we,the civil society, journalists, and international mechanisms operating in Kosovo, have nothing else left but to continue raisingour voice aiming to improve the climate of journalism. ”

On this May 3, were commemoratedthe journalists killed and missing during and after the last war in Kosovo, where the relevant institutions were asked to shed light on the truth as soon as possible, under the slogan “You have the truth before your eyes”.

In the discussion panel through the Zoom platform, also were present: Nancy Soderberg – Senior Director of NDI for Kosovo, Ricardo Gutiérrez – Secretary General of the European Federation of Journalists, ImerMushkolaj – Director of the Press Council of Kosovo, ArdianaThaçi – Journalist, BetimMusliu – Journalist, DarkoDimitrijevic – Journalist, FluturaKusari – Lawyer of media rights and other fellow journalists.

You can see the full virtual discussion on this link: https://fb.watch/5fOWSG5BIm/