IJAS and IJAV: Death threats to IJAV leadership

Source/Author: NUNS i NDNV
Source/Photo: Medija Centar Beograd

NOVI SAD, 06.04.2017. – The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) and the Independent Journalists’ Association of Vojvodina (IJAV) inform the public that after false statements were published in some regime tabloids naming IJAV as the organiser of mass student post-election protests in Novi Sad, its leadership received death threats.

IJAS and IJAV request from the relevant authorities to react immediately and appropriately punish the perpetrator who sent the threats via social networks and whose profile clearly indicates his closeness to the Serbian Progressive Party.

These threats were reported to the Ministry of Interior and Prosecution Office for High Tech Crime according to the mechanism established in the Agreement on cooperation and measures to raise security levels related to the journalists, signed by the Police, Prosecutor’s office and journalists and media associations.

Unfortunately, IJAS and IJAV must conclude that this mechanism has not given any results so far. Management of IJAV and its associates had been targets of serious death threats before. Although, these cases were regularly reported, no one was brought to justice yet.