Other threats to journalists, Branimir Pofuk, Hrvatska, 16.9.2021.

    Zemlja CRO
    Ime i prezime Branimir Pofuk
    Spol Muški
    Datum 16/09/2021
    Grad Zagreb
    Vrsta napada Druge prijetnje upućene novinarima
    Počinitelj/osumnjičenik Josip Jović / Hrvatski tjednik
    Izvor novinar
    Je li novinarsko udruženje bilo obaviješteno? Da
    Koja je bila reakcija novinarskog udruženja? HND je reagirao priopćenjem u kojem traži da se ovaj slučaj istraži i sankcionira.
    Je li napad prijavljen policiji/nadležnim institucijama? Slučaj je prijavljen policiji

    Croatian weekly “Hrvatski tjednik” published a photo, on September 16, 2021, of Serbian Patriarch Porfirije and portraits of 14 intellectuals – politicians, scientists, political analysts, university professors and journalists – entitled “Chetnik Patriarch and Croatian Quislings”. At the bottom of the title page, the text “carrying out a creeping infiltration of the so-called Serbian world in Croatia” was added in smaller letters.

    Journalist Branimir Pofuk, who reported to the police and the Croatian Journalists’ Association, felt directly threatened, but other journalists such as Drago Pilsel, Boris Dezulovic, Viktor Ivancic, Jurica Pavicic, Ante Tomic, Ivica Ivanisevic, Damir Pilic, Davor Krile, Miljenko Jergovic, Goran Gerovac and Zlatko Gall were also mentioned in this article.

    Branimir Pofuk states that “the text highlights completely untrue, flat and malicious allegations, perfidious slander by which journalists are portrayed as enemies and haters of the Croatian state and the Croatian people, and also are accused of deliberate hostile action”. He considers and perceives these “warrants” displayed at all newsstands in Croatia as an incitement to hatred, which individuals can easily understand as a call for all kinds of persecution and an act of either verbal or physical violence against such “enemies”.

    “Because of all this, I perceive this publication as a direct threat to my personal safety, as well as the safety of my family,” Pofuk added. He expects the police to act ex officio and in accordance with their competencies and the laws of the Republic of Croatia.